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The Ultimate Detoxifying Stretch and another way

Twisting is good for you (and you don't need to contort yourself like a pretzel to reap the benefits). In fact, even the simplest of twists help stretch and lengthen tight muscles, while also acting like a massage for your insides: compressing and releasing organs and delivering oxygen-rich blood while pushing out toxins.

he Wall and Twist Stretch combines a restorative yoga pose with a detoxifying Pilates twist to help lengthen your spine, ease tension in the body (not that you have any, of course), and totally bliss you out. Try it first thing in the morning, right after an exercise session, or after sitting hunched over your desk all day. Take slow, deep breaths and really sink into the twist.

Watch as Pilates expert Erika Bloom shows you how to get the most out of this amazing spinal stretch.

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