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Eating orders for waist watchers

Dieters must grasp a principle: Food of low "heat density" should come first. Food such as vegetables are not only low in quantity of heat but also high in fiber. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and contain more phytochemicals that helps the body to prevent disease the "plant". Remember not to put too much oil into the vegetables.

After eating a plate of vegetables, you can drink some soup. But remember when you are trying to lose weight, don't drink too much strong soup. Go for some light-flavored soup as far as possible.

Meat, fish, eggs and other food containing proteins
At this time, your stomach is close to half-full already. At this point, you can go for some food with high protein content. You should note that the food had better not be deep fried as not only heat will increase, it is also easy to produce carcinogens; It is suggested to cook the high-protein food with steaming or stewing method.

We have got used to have plain rice. Rice can easily raise the blood sugar. We can choose to take rice more tardy to prevent ourselves from eating too much food with high starch content. But we cannot avoid having starch. So this sequence can help balance our diet while deduce our calorie intake. We can replace white rice with corn meal or brown rice for weight control purpose.

A lot of people think eating fruit before meals can help digestion, but if from the concept of weight loss, it is suggested to eat fruit at last because eating fruits on an empty stomach can raise blood sugar and stimulate the secretion of insulin,which is not conducive to weight loss. It is suggested to choose fruits with low sweetness of fruit such as apples, tomatoes, etc. Slightly adjust your eating sequence and you will find that the weight slowly drops.

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