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Instructions for liver care

1, adequate sleep
Common sense tells us going to bed early is good for health. Sleep is especially important for liver care. The expert points out that many liver diseases are cause by staying up. Many will have blood-shot eyes the next day which is the symptom of excessive internal heat in the liver. Over time, the liver can me damaged. From 11pm to at 3am every day is the best time for liver reparation and detoxification. During this period, one is supposed to sleep.

2, Keep a cheerful mood
Optimism makes a man healthy. Anger or depression can easily lead to poor blood circulation in the liver and cause diseases. If you have got negative feelings, try to vent them out through appropriate ways so as to restore the psychological balance as soon as possible.

3, Massage
Meridian is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. Massage for a few important points of the liver meridian at ordinary times is good for dredging liver. In the liver meridians, there are 14 acupoints. The acupuncture points for frequent massage are: Tai chong acupuncture point which situates near to the middle of the hallux and index toeQi men acupuncture point and Zhang men acupuncture point. Massages on these points often can benefit the liver a lot.

4, Wear loose and comfortable clothes, do moderate exercise.
Exercise is a good way to care the liver. The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine thinks movement can relaxe the muscles and stimulate blood circulation, which is good for the liver. More exercise also can improve the immunity and disease resistance. Therefore, everyone should , choose the suitable movement according to their own physical condition in order to enhance the physical and mental health. Walking, outing, tai chi, kite flying, etc. can all smooth the blood flows and promote physical fitness. For patients with chronic liver disease, strenuous exercise is unfavorable.

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