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Eight good habits effectively prevent hair loss

Clean the hair every other day or every two days.
Washing hair too frequently will make the scalp dry and cause damage to it. For ordinary people, it is better to wash the hair every other day every two days. Rubbing the shampoo till bubbles come out and then apply it onto the hair. Those whose hair gets greasy easily can moderately increase the frequency of hair cleaning.

Comb the hair before washing
It helps to remove the dirt in the hair, take sebum to the hair surface and form a natural protective layer. It can avoid hair loss when hair tangle together.

After washing, rinse with cool water
Water temperature which is too high can lead to scalp dryness. It is suggested to wash your hair with the water at around 39 ℃. After this, rinse the lower part of the hair with cold water. This helps close the hair scales and offer protection for the hair.

Wipe your hair with cotton dry t-shirts.
Wipe your hair with towel which does not absorb water well can hurt your hair. It is a good way to dry your hair with cotton T-shirt and then let the hair get dry itself.

Hair WenFeng scalp, blowing cool breeze.
Dryer can cause damage to hair scales, leading to dry hair, thus you should use less as far as possible. If you have to use, you should adjust it to a low temperature. Use cold wind to blow the lower part of the hair.

Loosen your hair
Ponytail can easily cause loose hair roots and lead to hair loss. It is better to keep the hair unbound and let it grow.

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