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The Secret to Get Your Skin Glowing This Winter

Summer is over and the cool, crisp air of autumn beckons. It's time to make up with your skin before winter comes between you.
Let's face it – you live in your skin. Like all relationships, this one takes work, but the rewards are plentiful. Here are a few hints on how to rekindle things with your neglected skin.

Attention. Give your skin the attention it craves. Note how it looks, how it feels, and how it responds to skin care products and makeup. If you notice any unusual discolorations or growths, make an appointment with a dermatologist.
TLC. Treat yourself to a facial or a day at the spa. Ask your aesthetician to evaluate your skin and make personal recommendations. Give your skin the tender loving care it deserves. Advances in skin analysis machines help skin care professionals identify skin conditions so they can better advise their clients.
Out With the Old.Don't leave old skin cells and residue hanging around on your skin – exfoliate!
In With the New. Great progress has been made in eliminating toxic ingredients and creating organic skin care and beauty products. Always read labels and know what's in the products you use, especially if you have sensitive skin. Choose carefully, and if something causes irritation, discontinue use.
Hair This!While pampering your skin, don't forget about your hair. It, too, will be affected by seasonal changes in humidity in temperature. Visit your salon and ask your stylist what types of products will get your hair in shape in time for the holiday season.
Man Up. That's right – men have skin and hair, too. Running a razor over your face every morning borders on abuse. Major health and beauty lines offer skin and hair products designed to meet the specific needs of men. A few well-chosen items plus a few minutes of your time and you'll be ready to face the day like a new man.
Start now, and by the holidays you and your skin will be celebrating in style. That doesn’t mean you can let your guard down and fall into old patterns. Remember the magic formula – attention plus tender loving care equals healthy skin – and healthy skin is beautiful skin.

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