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5 Healthy Snacks to Eat on the Way Home from the Grocery Store

So, you're really not supposed to go to the grocery store while you're hungry; studies have shown that shoppers end up buying more high-calorie foods when their bellies are rumbling. (Anecdotal evidence from—well, me—is that my "must buy a big bag of chips and jar of queso" reflex goes up substantially when I haven't eaten recently.)

But when your fridge is close to bare, we've all found ourselves grocery shopping on an empty stomach...which can quickly translate into must-eat-food-now-itis after checking out. Here are some good ideas for portable snacks you can eat on the way home from the store.

Roasted seaweed: This is my favorite, right now—it's crunchy and flavorful enough to feel like you're eating ships. Plus, it's filled with vitamins A, B-6, and C, and fiber.

Dried Fruit: It's easy to eat, right? But it's also good for you (if you pick the right kind): a study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that the antioxidants in dried grapes (a.k.a., raisins), grapes, and plums are twice as potent as those found in their fresh-fruit counterparts. Just make sure your dried-fruit package contains no sweeteners; in the ingredient list, only the fruit should be listed.

Jerky: Natural, lightly-flavored, and low-sodium beef or turkey jerky are your best bets—they contain about 9 g of filling protein.

Low-fat chocolate milk: Grab a carton that's low in sugar, and you've got a sippable snack that's filled with protein and calcium (and is also thought to be especially good post-workout).

Olives: Lots of grocery stores have olive bars that have loads of fresh olives, fresh mozzarella, roasted garlic, and more. Grab a container and toss in some olives in it—they're rich in vitamin E, fiber, iron, and copper—and they're super-easy to eat on the go.

What's your favorite going-home-from-the-grocery-store snack?

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